On August 16 and 17, the Class of 1963, York High School (Yorktown, Virginia) gathered to do what reunions do: put us in touch with the person we once were, and may still be, surrounded by the friends that were our world in that destiny-shaping time. Five members of that class are pictured in the photograph: left to right, Mike Holland, Sam Morgan, Bonnie Carpenter Thomas, yours truly, and Sandra Luciano Lockhart. The sixth person in the photo, Anita Morgan (far left) is married to Sam. The photo was taken at the Hornsby House Inn B&B by our new best friend, Lara Smoot, who wasn't even close to being born when we strutted across the stage on June 7, 1963. Yorktown was a magical place to grow up. Nothing much has happened there since October 19, 1781, when independence from the British was won on battlefields within sight of the Hornsby House Inn. Before becoming a B&B, the Hornsby House was home to my dear late friend John Bowditch. John and I spent countless hours together as teens, played football together, and in the spring of 1963, months before graduating, accepted football scholarships to The Citadel. We stayed friends for 54 years, and I miss him. I especially missed him on our reunion weekend, because we both took the same energy from being around our wonderful classmates from YHS. Thomas Wolfe famously said, "You Can't Go Home Again," but I say you must go home again. You must go back to greet and hug the people that shaped you, honed you, humbled you, and honored you by their friendship. To my classmates from YHS '63, I say thank you for all you have meant in my life. Go Falcons.